Hard skills undeniably needed for the career of any student. However, while focusing too much on academic growth of our young ones, we somewhere forget their overall development. To face the challenges of the real world, learning Life Skills are equally fundamental. Their scholarly record will go in vain if they lack the techniques to present them the best way. This is the reason, research says only 34% of Indian graduates are employable. Moreover, managing their studies too can turn burdensome, if skills like Time and Stress Management, Positive Attitude Building are not imparted in their minds at an early stage.
Teens face numerous psychological changes & external pressures during this phase of life. Issues like- bullying, peer pressure, depression, poor body image ,stress, obesity or cyber addiction; can create deep impressions in the minds of young ones & hamper their development. Our sessions on Attitude Adjustment & Behavioral Management help the young adults regain their Confidence & Self Esteem We hold the hands of our young clients in the journey of strong Image Building & let them come out of the web of the mental fears.
The moment school goers step out of their comfort zone & enter into the territory of a university, they get multiple exposures to experience. Whether it’s a need of presentation skills & leadership qualities for extra – curricular activities or optimization of digital presence to outshine from others or styling for collegiate clothing; we prepare you 360 degree so that you will be ready to grab any opportunity that comes in your way to success !
Introduction to professionalism is a sign of maturity in a student’s life. However to welcome this phase , a formal preparation is necessitated. Our sessions on Public speaking, Effective Communication skills, CV writing, First impression management, Grooming & Etiquette coaching will make you stand out from the other candidates & you will be picked up from the crowd. Our overall Image Enhancement sessions act as a feather on our clients' hat & let them be in the good books of their seniors.