Whether you consciously work on it or let it form by default, but no individual can be spared from being a BRAND. We all are known for certain talent, values and personal style. If we start working on our self packaging then a strong & positive image in the minds of others can be formed. This is nothing but PERSONAL BRANDING. To lead a successful life, professional guidance in terms of ABCD (Appearance, Behavior, Communication & Digital Presence) is necessitated for a powerful & authentic personal brand!
Our team takes the client through a process of Lifestyle evaluation, Body-line-proportion measurement, Color theory & Personal Style assessment to give you a Power Dressing. We design your wardrobe, consult you hairstyles, recommend you accessories….. So that you not just look Attractive but Appropriate according to your profession & occasion, your look Authentically aligns with your personality and Affordably fits in your pocket as well. VISUAL BRANDING is a magic solution to manage your appearance.
While the rest of the elements work on the impression portrayed to the world around you, Behavioral Management builds your inner image and aligns it with the outer image. With the Attitude Adjustment consultation by Enigma you'll be able to notice the Inside Out enhancement in you. Our consistent sessions will help you regain your confidence, optimize your perspective, and impeccably let u achieve the goals in your life!
Our words, vocabulary and language are undoubtedly essential while delivering a message to someone. However, we forget we are giving cues and communicating even when we don't utter a single word!
Your crossed arm posture, gesture to a waiter while ordering in restaurant, tone of voice in conversation to a person – form an impression in the minds of others. If the way you Look doesn't coincide with the way you Act, it perplexes the people and you may loose the reliability. Our Soft skills training on Body Talk, Accent evaluation and Etiquette coaching will make you stand out in your spheres of influence.
In this digital era, there's one more place where your image is being formed and assessed i.e. on the Web. Your posts, comments, shares or photos can build a first impression in the minds of people even before meeting them in person! Our team not only provides sessions on Social media etiquette & Netiquette but also consults clients on how to utilize the digital platform efficiently keeping in mind your profession and/or interest. This way your PERSONAL PACKAGING is completed and You as a Brand speaks uniformly in all the aspects of Image.